Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Average or Extraordinary

Do you ever stop to think about your life and wonder if you are doing something beyond the ordinary—something beyond just barely getting by. So often life is so full of working to earn a living, doing chores, schoolwork, taking care of your children, working out, and eating healthy; but you don’t even have time to ask yourself whether you are living just the average life. Lately, I’ve been thinking that I want to live beyond the average or ordinary, even shall I say, extraordinary. To think that I could live an extraordinary life almost sounds prideful, but let me explain what I mean. I so often feel that all I am doing in this life is for me. I go to school because I want a better job, I clean my house because I want to live in a clean and orderly manner, and I take care of my family because I love them. All of that is all well and good, but my desire, especially recently, is to do something beyond that--to help others that don’t give back to me, people that aren’t just my family and friends. I want to make a difference in people’s lives. I want to live like Jesus did. It’s not that I don’t feel like I am doing something with my life right now. I feel that I am a good friend, daughter, and sister, and I am even doing some volunteer work. It’s just that I feel God has something more for me. I feel I need to stretch myself and really pray about God’s will for my life.

I am at a crossroads in my life at the moment and I feel that the road I take could really make a difference in whether I live an average, or extraordinary life. Have you ever felt this way? This is not entirely a new thing for me. I’ve felt this way before and done something about it, and now I am in this place again where I have to go beyond myself once again. At times like this it is easy for me to stress out and want quick answers, but answers don’t always come instantly. I have found this out many times. I have to be patient and trust that God will show me why I am feeling this way, and what exactly I should do about it. I know the answers will come. They always have before. God is an awesome director of your life if you will let Him take control. Relying on His timing and direction for your life is always the best thing anyone could do. So if you too are at a crossroads in your life, ask God about it. He WILL show you.


  1. Whether you live an ordinary life or one of more adventure (extraordinary), the most important thing is that God understands and knows our hearts. Some of us are "made" for a similar life but that doesn't mean that we are any less important to Him or that we aren't living life to the fullest for Him. We all do "extraordinary" things - some are just understated and subtle. :)

    Wishing you the best of luck in this decision, Hniebel. :)

  2. Rissi,

    Thanks for your comment! I just want to clarify what I meant by extraordinary vs. average/ordinary life. When I say I want to live an extraordinary life I mean that I want to live for the fullest what God has for me, without holding back. Whether or not that would be a high profile or more subtle life it doesn't matter. I don't want to settle for a average life in the sense of wasting my time or energy on things that don't matter. That's what I was trying to get at when I said ordinary or average.

    Thanks for your thoughts! I really appreciate your kind words!

