Sunday, February 5, 2017


Life with a little one and working full time make for a very busy schedule and not much time for blogging. I sit rocking my baby who just fell asleep and I have a free hand so here goes another post. My precious Colson is now 7 months old and crawling everywhere and pulling himself up to standing constantly. He is growing so fast! Hard to believe he is more than half a year old!

It's been quite a cold winter with several snow storms. I'll be extra glad when spring comes. It made for a fun Christmas season though. Such fun to have a white world during the holidays.

Our 2 year wedding anniversary is about a week away. Crazy how time flies! Still love my man so much!

Here are a bunch of pics!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Another Birthday

It's my birthday today! Wow, another year gone and what an eventful year it's been! Getting pregnant late last year and then having our precious baby boy in June was definitely the highlight for me. So looking forward to another year of life! Loving watching Colson Luke grow every day. He has so many expressions now. He'll be 10 weeks tomorrow! He smiles all the time. Loving it! It's amazing being a mom.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

New Baby

I have been a new mom for a little over a week now and I am loving it. Our little Colson was born last Friday! Here are a few pics 😊

Monday, August 24, 2015

Singin' in the Rain

My mom, sisters, and I went to a musical of "Singin' in the Rain" yesterday afternoon performed by a community theater called Mask and Mirror! It was absolutely delightful! One of the best plays I have ever been to. So much fun! They actually made it rain on stage, played movie clips that they had acted and recorded beforehand to capture that part of the movie well, the costumes were beautiful and fit the time period, and ALL the actors were perfectly cast! I was so impressed and would most certainly go to other productions this community theater makes!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

My Office/Theme Decor

Here is a peak at my office decorations/theme! Having fun finally decorating my space!

Adjusting to Married Life

Getting married is so wonderful and I am so happy being married to the love of my life and best friend. It is the best thing ever living life with my amazing husband Ryan. It is all that I dreamed, but also a huge challenge to adjust to a new life. Blending two lives together is not always easy. We've only been married six months and I think we have already grown a lot. I tend to be a go all the time person and have the hardest time relaxing. Ryan is a very hard worker, but he also knows how and when to relax. I am a person that likes to be around people all the time and Ryan needs his alone time. With all our differences though we are good for each other. We challenge each other. He challenges me to relax more and I challenge him to get out with people more. My biggest challenge with married life is how to balance working full time, connecting with friends and family, keeping house and cooking, working out, spending enough quality time together as a couple, and getting enough relaxation myself. I've been so tired. But there has been a lot of change in my life and I suspect that it is normal to be tired with so much adjustment and change. In the last month or two I have stepped up working out and it has helped my energy level tremendously for which I am very grateful! All in all I love being married, but it's a huge adjustment and I find I need to give myself a break and not put so much pressure on myself to be perfect.

Monday, August 17, 2015

A Few More Wedding Pics!

Loved our book themed wedding! I hope you enjoy a few of our over one thousand pics! It's hard to pick favorites!